HOA Covenants
As an HOA Community, the Seven Oaks Homeowners Association is governed by the "Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Seven Oaks Subdivision" (CC&R's) established on August 5, 2002. The purpose of these CC&R's is to ensure the attractiveness of the community, as well as protect and enhance the values and amenities of all properties within the subdivision.
To view the CC&R's click HERE.
To view the second amendment to the Declaration of Covenants: Click Here
Regulations and Procedure for Fine Violations: Click Here
The CC&R's were amended in July, 2012, to increase the minimum heated square footage of new home construction from 1,600 to 2,000 sq.ft. Examples of the type of homes currently being approved by the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) are available HERE, with our street view portfolio.
Also note that the average "footprint" (width x depth) of the homes being built in Phase IV is 55' W x 50' D. Pending lot shape and size; the ACC has standardized on these "footprint" dimensions as an approximate minimum requirement to maintain the present architectural values of the subdivision.
The CC&R's also require that new construction be performed by a builder approved by the ACC. To view the "Seven Oaks Approved Builders List" (ABL), click HERE
HOA By-Laws
The Seven Oaks Homeowners Association is also governed by the "By-Laws of Seven Oaks Property, Inc.", which is a South Carolina non-profit corporation. These By-Laws define the roles and responsibilities of the Board of Directors (BOD), and all HOA Committees established by the Board.
To view the By-Laws, click HERE.